PawCare has been developed to respond to a real need of many dog owners. PawCare greatly improves the well-being of your pet and hygiene in your household. It gently cleans and efficiently removes harmful germs on the sensitive paws. When used regularly, PawCare prevents painful lacerations from developing on paws. The natrual active ingredients are soothing and help the cell regeneration process. Moreover, the lipid replenshing effect helps moisturize dry and chapped paws.
PawCare provides gently and naturally groomed for your pets:
• The compound gently penetrates between the pads and claws
• Dirt, germs, loose hair, debris and other particles are encapsulated by PawCare
• Small wounds are effectively cleaned
• Active natural ingredients enhance the cell regenerating process and moisturize the pads
• The groomed paes will feel soft and smell good.
Direction for use:
• Take your pet’s paw and gently press it into the PawCare compound. Remove after 2 to 3 seconds. Wet paws must be dried before cleaning.
• After application, fold the compound over the used area, put it back into the container and close the lid.
PawCare can be applied multiple times until the compound has reached its maximum absorption capacity. After PawCare has discolored, it is time to replace it. PawCare is Biodegradable.
Packing Size:
PawCare Set 380g
Choose from two styles to fit the size of your dog.
The containers are made of high quality materials with perfect seal lids.
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